Certainly be removed from the site navigation and placed somewhere else on a dedicated page, even if the links are perfectly justifiable. Few things signal spam like a navigation full of external links. Any external link that could be confused for part of internal navigation. Don't place external links in tabs or drop-down menus, or in other places that most people would assume to be part of internal navigation. It is asking for a penalty. Any links that are not easily visible to the user, or that share the page background color even though visible, should be reformatted to be visible or removed.
Anything that could be misconstrued as a hidden link to an external site is almost certain to penalize you. Alright, now that you've pruned the outbound links from your site, let's look at the rest. 3. Cut non-authoritative links Your site must have ghost mannequin effect service too many outbound links to check entirely by hand (at least in a single working day, as this guide has promised). So here's what we recommend. Copy the rest of your link addresses from Screaming Frog and run a batch scan with Ahrefs. Use the free trial and cancel if necessary.
It's worth it. After signing up for the free trial and entering the batch scan page, all you need to do is paste your link URLs into the box and click "Start Scan". After the scan is complete, sort in ascending order of “DR”, which stands for “Domain Rank”. Your links will be listed from least to most authoritative. Now is the time to start cutting your low authority links. Let's be careful in our language here. I'm not saying you should cut all low authority links. I say that if an outbound link is low authority, it should be justified. We don't want to cite a 13-year-old blogger's WordPress site for material facts.